Monday, February 1, 2010

A glimpse at our Sunday

The maternity clinic

Today (Sunday) has been incredibly hard and joyful, I believe I can say this for all of us. Worship was amazing. Although I did not understand a word, I truly trust that today I experienced love and music having no language barrier. Just picture a worship service with island funk music infused with two trumpets, a saxophone and a trombone. The amount of passion that these people put into worship is like nothing I have ever seen before. They truly depend on God for all of their needs. We then had a brief lunch that included my first taste of a freshly cracked coconut and toured the compound where the clinic is.
Next task was to load this dentist chair into the "bird cage" (see above) in preparation for the first of a two day trip to the village of Paul. Monday we will be going to Paul to set up both a general health and a dental clinic. This is very exciting! Below you can see our prep of the meds for the clinic.
Later in the day we went to the "Village of Hope". Although this is one of the nicer villages outside of the mission, it is so primitive, so inhumane, and so very undesirable. The dirt is like nothing I've ever seen before. Everything is dirty, especially the people, houses and rooms. I am grateful on a whole new level for what my life is like back home. The kids will come up and ask you for candy or your shoes or hat. There is nothing you can do. My heart is broken. This is truly a nation in turmoil. I have seen animals that live better than these people do. I know God has a plan for these people and this country. My prayers are that the earthquake will draw the rest of the world into this cause and that we can truly help to change this country through The New Testament Mission in LaCroix.

1 comment:

  1. Ian, you are an AMAZING YOUNG MAN!!! I love that you are letting God lead you in this way! You are Jesus with skin on to these people, "YOU ARE THE BODY!" I will pray that you accomplish what God has set before you!
    Take care~Amy Podobnik
