Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blessed Travel

The expedient travel arrangements that Ian refers to came to be because of a group that had chartered a plane for medical supply relief. In addition to the medical supplies the travelers included several people that were headed to an orphanage to bring back children that were already in the adoption process. While we were waiting for the plane to depart some extra supplies for the orphanage were delivered to the airport and everyone jumped in to help pack them for the plane. Ian and Gary happened to get caught in the action and you can see the televised news report here. When you open the link you may have to search for the Haiti report on the right. It was an awesome feeling to know that there are people in Pittsburgh that were able to donate their financial resources for the medical supplies and for the plane, and that the organizers were gracious to allow the plane's extra seats for the group traveling to LaCroix to use.

*Photo note-Upon landing Ian was immediately struck by the international presence at the this plane with assistance from Brazil that they docked next to.

Sunday , 8:00 a.m.

Ian called home to report that the team had reached LaCroix at 11:00 last night and were greeted with a spaghetti dinner graciously prepared by Pastor Pierre's wife. We were chatting while Ian was sitting on a roof top (reportedly a popular place to watch the sun rise and set) that overlooks a banana crop. He was thankful to have arrived last night so the team could go worship this morning. They will then open a medical clinic for the remainder of the day. Ian excitedly reports that Pastor Pierre has the week well planned out and he's looking forward to visits to two other villages where their extra hands will be put to use.

*Photo note-proof that Ian's in LaCroix...this is the sign in front of the school.

A Message Sent with Love and Grief

It is Saturday, 8:30 p.m. and we are riding in the back of a delivery truck with Pastor Pierre and about 1,000 lbs of medical supplies. We are driving up highway one to LaCroix. At the airport we unloaded 30,000 pounds of supplies in a hour. We drove through not even the hardest hit part of Port-au-Prince and it was worse than I could have ever imagined. There is no such thing as a house here. I am writing with an incredibly heavy heart. We stopped at the orphanage (see explanation below) to drop off supplies. We will get to La Croix at midnight. It is unbelievable to see the poverty gaps we've passed. For example, we saw a store that had the Duke basketball game on and two blocks later there was a tent city of over 1,000. We were blessed to have the chartered flight because we gained a day for the clinic work. We are going to open it first thing tomorrrow. Please do not only pray for us but the people of Haiti, they need it more than we do.

How Did Ian Get to Haiti?

After the January 12th earthquake in Haiti, this mission team that already had a trip to LaCroix planned made many changes in their itinerary so they could best support the current needs of the Haitians. Due to restrictions at the Port-au-Prince airport they changed plans to travel into the Dominican Republic. They were thankful to have this option although were sad that it would mean an extra day's travel that would cut into their work time. Yesterday the group received word that several donors had come together to charter a plane to Port-au-Prince on a medical supply mission and there was room for 14 extra passangers AND the team that Ian is serving with was invited to use the seats. Ian and the mission team were ecstatic to join the crew, a few other travels that are working with a Haitian orphanage and 30,000 lbs of supplies headed to Haiti because they will be able to start their work in LaCroix a day earlier than planned. This is a blessing.

Saturday, January 30th, 5:25 p.m.

Ian just called to say they've landed and he couldn't talk because they only have two hours to unload the plane. Praise the Lord!

And He's Off!

Ian headed to Haiti today full of anticipation for the work the mission team he is traveling with will be able to do. The group is composed of 3 doctors, 3 nurses, 1 dentist and 7 medical assitants. We got quite a chuckle out of the fact that Ian has now added the title "medical assistant" to his resume! He asked us to share the scripture to the left with you as this is what he is leaning on as he departs.

We look forward to sharing updates of his work with you via email throughout the next week. Thank you for your support!